Friday, August 26, 2005


Finally this very odd week is almost over. I feel like I was tricked into coming today. Stupid Action saying he's not coming and then saying he's coming and then getting to work this morning and having a voicemail that he wasn't coming, so ridiculous. I was on the subway this morning and thought to myself "there's going to be a voicemail from him when you get there." I could have stayed in bed. I should have stayed in bed. Whatever, I'll just leave early, take a nap, clean my apartment for when Stinky comes tomorrow and then go out and have fun. I'm looking foward to seeing Vickie again, and who doesn't love a night of East Village bar hopping? I'm just writing in this because it's too early for anyone else to be online, or even awake. This is just cruel and unusual punishment, this job. But the Turner jobs website seems to be working again and I've been applying for new things for the last couple days. Hopefully, one will pull through. That would be great.
Okay, I'm ready to go home and get back into bed.