Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Things which are good about having bedbugs (A complimentary list)

1. The opportunity to clean our apartment, which is full of nooks and crannies (snooks and crannies?) which are normally unreachable on a day to day basis. Of course, being able to access them now is a direct result of the exterminator ripping the apartment apart, but we are old hats at this by now and used it as an opportunity to destroy the dust bunnies that apparently were gaining momentum in preparation for a hostile takeover of the apartment.

2. A new mini vacuum cleaner (calling it a dustbuster would really be an insult, and it would seem that the literature refers to it as a 'handheld vacuum'). Either way, the awesomeness of seeing the aforementioned dustbunnies huddled in a mass in this contraption's dust chamber really can't be understated. Observe, our new cleaning companion (We named him Tommy):

3. The retail therapy I considered on Friday yeilded a really cute yellow hooded t-shirt. My love of the Anthropologie sale rack really can't be understated. And I still made it to work that morning with time to spare.

4. I found an earring under the couch that I only got to wear once before the apartment ate it. But now it's mine again. You better believe I will be building whatever outfit I wear to work today around them. It's a joyous reunion.

5. Creating all new outfits with the limited clothes I have in the apartment-the last time we had marauders I created all sorts of new outfits that quickly became favorites. I look foward to repeating this.

6. Sleeping with the windows open to make sure that we don't die of poison inhalation ensures lots of cuddling in order to conserve body heat.

7. Going out for breakfast with Sean after the exterminator, Benny (we're on a first name basis), got to our apartment yesterday morning.

Now, time to go fashion my first new and awesome Revolutionary Costume For Today (did I mention that we saw Grey Gardens this weekend with Grandma? We did. I loved it. Although considering my love for the movie, it was probably a no brainer that I would be obsessed with this. Either way, considering it was the first time I'd been to broadway in years, I was just a happy kid. And it can't be said enough; I love Little Edie)