If you click on the link provided in the title of this post, you can see all the photos. Be warned, there are some of my ankle unwrapped just a few days after surgery. Not for the faint of stomach.
Recouperation since then has had its shares of ups and downs. There are some times when it feels fine and dandy, and there are others, like yesterday and today, where I can barely stand it it hurts so much, and it feels the same as it did before this even started. It's discouraging, but I know it probably needs more time. The effects of all this have really begun to wear me down. I've gained back a little of the weight that worked so hard to lose last year I because of not being able to move around like I used to, only being able to be out of my apartment on beautiful spring days for a few hours at a time before I have to hobble back inside and sleep and rest my throbbing legs, and basically general unfunness. And I have to go through this all again. So, as you can tell, this whole process really has me down. One part of my brain is telling me this is doing nothing, while a much smaller part is continually trying to convince me that that's not the case. I'm ready for this to be done already. My now-weekly orthopedist appointment is on Thursday. Hopefully we'll be able to scheldule the next operation, I'm done with this bullshit already.