Thursday, March 02, 2006

My novel idea

Here's the thought:

Every time your high school has a snow day, you, too, should have a snow day. Yes.

In other news, I got the air casts, and since having put them on my legs have transformed themselves into clubs which I would really like to tear off and beat myself with. My legs are hot, and swollen, and ever since I went to the doctor on Monday they've been hurting and/or throbbing nonstop. I'm taking advil, but I don't like taking it 24/7 because I feel like that can't really be good for you. Not that advil would help the perpetual claustrophobia that I am feeling because of my legs.

As predicted, none of my shoes fit now that I have these things, with the exception of my hiking boots, which aren't really work-appropriate. So, I think I might cave, and buy a pair of uggs, because I saw a pair that are not that ugly, and since something tells me I'm gonna be logging a lot of time in air casts, so...

We'll see.

I wonder what the chances are of me getting the test results back tomorrow afternoon and going into surgery on Monday are. Because I can't handle too much more of this. I'm itching to get out of my skin.

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